Portland, Oregon

Political Paintings -- The Obama Era

Schmertzler is a master story teller. He boils our tmes and its events into a comprehensive whole that exposes the players and illuminates the connections between them. He follows his own interests but is also open to make commissioned works for your home, office or publications that illustrate suggested political subjects. Artwork is available for exhibition and sale.


NRA Mad House of Mirrors
Acrylic on Canvas

Health Care Game
acrylic on canvas
30”x 40”

Occupy Politics
acrylic on canvas
30”x 40”

Winner of 2010 American Art Award, 2nd place humor ; 6th place political commentary categories
Tea Party
acrylic on canvas
30”x 40”

A House Divided Across 150 Aprils
acrylic on canvas
30”x 40”

Main Street Boogie-Woogie
acrylic on canvas
30” X 40"

1st Place Winner of the American Art Award 2010 in the Political Commentary category.
Wall Street Boogie-Woogie
 acrylic on canvas
40" X 30"

Shovel Ready, W.P.A. 2009
watercolor and ink on paper
16" X 26"

The Question of Immigration 
acrylic on canvas
30” X 40"